On March 4, the Lady Titans basketball team had a chance to participate in the Build Wealth, Leave a Legacy financial empowerment resource fair hosted at St. Petersburg College's Midtown Center.
The event was hosted by the St. Petersburg chapter of the Links, Incorporated, a women's volunteer service organization committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the cultural and economic survival of African-Americans and other persons of African-American ancestry. There, the women attended sessions discussing how to manage money wisely, manage a checking account, save money and establish credit.
"It was a very powerful and informative workshop," said event organizer Denotra Showers, a Student Support Manager at SPC. "They not only were able to attend sessions about finance, but also were able to network with professionals from high-level positions in the community. They were also very excited to meet the St. Petersburg Mayor, Ken Welch."
The student athletes also met vendors sharing various finacial resources including those for buying a home and those offered by the Pinellas County Urban League.
"It was good for them to see that wherever they are financially, there are resources in the community available to them when they graduate and enter their careers," Showers said.